Jag rear axle ID

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Tom Wells
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Jag rear axle ID

Post by Tom Wells »

Here is a series of pages written up by Jerry Slattery from Street Rodder April 1995 which documents the wisdom of Mike Bontoft. It is pretty complete as to the varieties of Jaguar IRS units and how to identify them along with a lot of other relevant details:
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Re: Jag rear axle ID

Post by BlackSnake »

Very stout units, shame they weigh a metric ton... :W:
Tom Wells
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Re: Jag rear axle ID

Post by Tom Wells »

Weigh a ton?


I seem to dimly recall what happens when you use one of those newfangled lightweight, modern, high tech all - u - minium rear axles. Something like a fiery explosion on I-95 if memory serves. :shock:
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Re: Jag rear axle ID

Post by BlackSnake »

Yeah, it was rather spectacular going off like a grenade at 80 mph :-)...picture of the resulting carnage below.

To be fair though, it was the wimpy D36 variant (7.8" ring gear) that came out of a wrecked '87 vette. I believe the diff was damaged from the wreck, it was never right. Pinion seal leaked (even after I replaced it), limited slip made unhappy noises, and I pretty well abused it at every opportunity, so it really was just a matter of time. The D44 in there now is rock solid!

Now let's get back to that porker of a Jag rear...my groin still aches when I think about us hoisting that extra unit of yours into the dumpster...:-)
D36 Pic1.jpg
D36 Pic1.jpg (219.04 KiB) Viewed 9615 times
Tom Wells
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Re: Jag rear axle ID

Post by Tom Wells »


That wasn't a Jag rear - it was a C6 that was ruined by a local person imitating a mechanic...
c6auto.jpg (153.07 KiB) Viewed 9614 times
The only reference I could find about its weight quoted 173 lbs.

That was either the first or second time you and I changed one of those buggers in/out of the Cobra. The latest one has lasted many, many abusive miles :ymapplause:

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Re: Jag rear axle ID

Post by BlackSnake »

Oops, my mistake....I'd have swore that thing weighed twice that amount...:-)

I have to believe the Jag IRS hub to hub weighs considerably more than the C6...everything is steel or cast iron except for the uprights.
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