Interesting puzzle

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Tom Wells
Posts: 1015
Joined: Fri May 08, 2015 7:34 pm

Interesting puzzle

Post by Tom Wells »

The Russkies have been registering on the web site! I guess they've been doing it manually because of the need to answer the gateway question.

Probably humans from the Russian "Biterika Grupp" have been looking up the answer on the internet and then trying to worm their way in. So far I've deleted 6 false registrants and attempted to block their ip addresses.

I still approve each registrant manually so none have got any further.

Which brings me to my interesting puzzle: How do I thwart them without locking out legitimate users?

I changed the question. Then I recognized all they had to do was look up the answer on the net.


BTW, if you think of something I can try for the question<>response gateway, let me know offline for obvious reasons. Text, call or email, please!


PS: Don't know why they're doing this except it can't be good...
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