2019 Reptile Roundup info

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2019 Reptile Roundup info

Post by mooreken »

This is the email I received in July about the event coming up in October. I hope to participate but as always for me it will depend on the last minute weather.

As previously announced the dates for this year’s Reptile Roundup are Thursday, October 24th -Saturday, October 26th in Gainesville, FL. This is a beautiful part of Florida, with some great driving roads and scenery. Please register on the Deep South Cobra Club site so we will know how many to plan for. 2019 Reptile Roundup Registration

The host hotel will be Fairfield Inn and Suites in Gainesville. We have a room rate of $109/night and they have plenty of trailer parking. https://www.marriott.com/event-reservat ... p=resvlink. Make sure to adjust the check-in dates to meet your travel plans, we have rooms reserved in the block for Wednesday night the 23rd for those who may be coming in a day earlier.

The roundup will follow the normal Thursday evening to Saturday format, departing on Sunday morning. We will have our normal meet and greet at the hotel on Thursday evening October 24th with Friday the 25th, and Saturday the 26th consisting of some great driving roads and restaurants, we will pass on the details at a future date.

Optional Track Day

In addition to the roundup activities, we are excited to offer an optional private open track day on Thursday October 24th. The venue is the Florida International Rally and Motorsport Park (The FIRM) in Starke, FL. https://gorally.com/

The FIRM has setup a registration page to register and pay the track fee : msreg.com/DSCCOct24 (You will need to setup a motorsport.reg account if you don’t already have one). The Cost is $160.50 per car with additional drivers being $80.25. The limit is 27 cars with no more than 9 cars being on the track at once. When you register, you will indicate your level of track experience. Novice drivers will be given basic instruction on track rules and flagging along with a lead/follow session to help get you acquainted with the track. This instruction is included in the registration. The FIRM operates like other track days, with passing only in designated areas and only when the passing car is “pointed by” by the driver being passed.

Track day registration is open now for club members, if we still have spots available, we will open registration after Labor Day to those from other cobra clubs. Everyone needs to be at the track by 8am so we have plenty of time for tech inspection and driver orientation. If you are participating in the track day, it is recommended to get into town on Wednesday evening and we can drive over to the track together from the hotel. It is about a 45 minute drive from the hotel to the track.

You can provide your own helmet or rent one from the track as part of the registration. The tracks insurance requires roll over protection, so at least one roll bar is required, and a passenger roll bar is required for anyone to ride in the passenger’s seat.

Dennis Williams

Secretary, DSCC

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