Mike's GT40 gets redone

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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by BlackSnake »

I had the plastic on hand. If they don’t hold up to the heat, I can always try aluminum later on… :wink:
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by BlackSnake »

Removed the engine from the rotary stand and put it on the roll around stands. Installed the bell housing and torqued the bolts. Set up the dial indicator to check runout, which was within spec (.005”). Parallelism check didn’t fair as well, looks to be about .018” out at the 6:00 position…should also be within .005” :roll:

Not sure yet what I’m going to do about it. Could be a number of things causing it to be off. :think:
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by mooreken »

Off set dowel pins is what I used when I set up the TKX. It was a bit fiddley but it finally worked.
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by BlackSnake »

Offset dowel pins won’t fix this issue Ken. I may need to locate or fab some very thin shim washers to put between the block plate and bell housing at the top two or three bolt holes, or I may possibly need to have the bell housing surfaces machined back to parallel.

I think I’ll first take a good look at the block plate surfaces for irregularity, that’s the most likely culprit IMO. :think:
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by BlackSnake »

I’ve been chasing my tail for a few days, but I think I can now declare victory. Made the first shim out of .016” brass plate along with a few thinner aluminum shims for the side bolts, but that turned out to be a bit too thick, and the parallelism numbers were still beyond spec.

I bought some .010” soft aluminum this morning and made another shim to go across the top two bolts and that looks to be the magic formula.

Reading across the www, specs are all over the place from .002” to .010”, so I finally found a Ford Racing specific document that says runout should be within .010” and concentricity within .015”.

My runout (parallelism) measures within .010” and concentricity is within .005”… :dance:
[/url]https://performanceparts.ford.com/downl ... g_Tech.pdf[/url]
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Tom Wells
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by Tom Wells »

Progress indeed!

Was it a bit out of alignment when it was originally assembled?
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by BlackSnake »

It had to be, but I don’t think it was far enough out to ever have been a real problem. Just trying to make sure it won’t be a problem down the road.
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by BlackSnake »

Reinstalled the clutch and bell housing yesterday. Thanks to William for loaning me the correct clutch alignment tool! :wink:

Today I cleaned the accumulated grunge off the ZF and mated it to the bell housing. Now that the drivetrain is in RFI status, I can devote my efforts to getting the chassis ready to accept it… 8-)
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by BlackSnake »

Today’s expended effort was in the engine bay rerouting and re-clamping cable runs, eliminating chafes, general neatening/cleaning, etc…tomorrow will be more of the same, and then re-configuring the remote oil filter lines. Should be fun… 8-)
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Tom Wells
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Re: Mike's GT40 gets redone

Post by Tom Wells »


Another work of art. Suitable for framing if not becoming a coffee table in the living room! :dance:

Question: the black plate on the transaxle on the starter side looks like a few of the Nylocks don't have any threads sticking through. Is it just the angle or do the studs need to be a touch longer?

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